Do you accept at sight draft or time bill? 你们接受即期汇票还是远期汇票?
And as we speak, bipartisan groups in both chambers are working diligently to draft a bill, and I applaud their efforts. 正如之前已经提到的,国会参众两院的有关团体正在勉力草拟一个法案,我对他们的努力表示赞赏。
The plan authorizes ministers to draft a bill, which is expected to go to the Bundestag, the lower house of Parliament, this summer. 这个计划授权部长们草拟法案,预计今天夏天将提交给德国联邦议院,即下议院,进行表决。
The draft bill is expected to be released later in the year, but the plan has yet to be discussed by ministers. 通讯数据草案预计将于今年晚些时候公布,但目前该计划还未提交各部大臣讨论。
Officials from India's Department of Biotechnology, which helped draft the bill, say it will promote innovation in Indian universities and research institutes by generating funds through patents. 印度生物技术部的官员协助起草了该法案,他们说该法案将会通过用专利产生资金的方式,促进印度大学和科研机构的创新。
The present plenary session has discussed the draft of the revised Party Constitution. The Opposition have tabled several amendments to the bill. 全会讨论了党章修改草案。反对党已对议案提出几项修正。
The state health insurance authority is also looking to raise student subscriptions in the medical insurance system to8 pounds from the4 pounds in the draft bill, the paper said. 该报纸还说,在提案草案中,埃及国家健康保险管理局也在考虑将医疗保险系统中的学生认缴额从4镑提高到8镑。
It is required for surveyor to check draft after completion of first batch of cargo. Please make out a bill for these goods. 第一票货完工后需要商检看水尺,请做好准备。请开一张这些货的发票。
His ticket out of Brooklyn was first the draft he served as a bombardier in Corsica and then the GI Bill. 他离开布鲁克林后第一站是在科西嘉岛上当炮兵军士,接着就退伍了;
Scientists and environmentalists are furious at a clause in India's draft bill to form a new biotechnology regulatory authority that they say stifles opposition to genetically modified ( GM) products. 一些科学家和环保主义者对设立印度新的生物安全管理机构的一份法律草案的一个条款感到愤怒,他们说该条款扼杀了对转基因食品的反对。
The draft bill is awaiting introduction into parliament and may be discussed in the parliamentary session that began this week. 该草案正在等待提交给国会,尽管尚未确定明确的日期,大多数印度报纸报道说,本周国会可能讨论它。
Last week, the country's parliament passed a draft bill that witches should get a permit, which would make it possible to fine or even imprison one whose predictions turn out to be false. 而上周,罗马尼亚参议院通过了一项法案,要求全国巫婆持证上岗。这样一来,如果巫婆预言失败,将有可能被处以罚款甚至监禁。
Draft must be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill off Lading made out to order, endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid. 汇票必需附有结果套版印刷有“货物收清”字样的正本海运提货单,凭指示、空缺违书,并写明“运脚已经付”。
Draft: the credit card bill has been prepared and sent to me. 草案:信用卡账单已经填好,并发送给我了。
Under the draft bill being considered today the preferred shares would be convertible into ordinary shares in 10 years should the bank be unable to pay back the bond when it matures in 2019. 根据将于今日商讨的草案,如果在2019年债券到期时,银行无法偿还债务,优先股将在10年内转化为普通股。
The draft, also called a bill of exchange, is the document normally used to effect payment in international transactions. 汇票是一种通常用于国际贸易中支付货款的凭证。
They said new language in a draft election bill that would ban parties that operate militias from fielding candidates is a direct attempt to sideline al-Sadr. 他们说,在选举法的草案中,新增加的禁止拥有军队的党派参与选举的条款是试图直接排斥萨德尔参加选举。
Draft a contract, parliamentary bill, treaty, etc 起草一份合同、议会法案、条约等
It has been asked why we need to draft a new bill and not just amend the existing legislation? 有人问,政府为甚么要草拟一条全新的法例,而不只是修订现行的条例?
The problem, said Suman Sahai, convenor of the nongovernmental organisation Gene Campaign, is that the draft bill does not clearly define "confidential commercial information". 非政府组织基因运动的召集人SumanSahai说,问题在于草案并没有清晰地定义“机密商业信息”。
A formal indication by a debtor of willingnessto pay a time draft or bill of exchange. 承兑,认付负债人的正式表明愿意偿还一定期汇票或汇票。
But a group of ten French MPs has now submitted a draft bill to parliament to remove the law, which has survived repeated attempts to repeal it. 现在,10名法国议员向议会递交了要求废除该法的议案。
Together with the draft, we'll also send you a complete set of bill of lading, an invoice, and export license, and insurance policy, a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection. 我们还将寄给贵方一整套提单、发票、出口许可证、保险单、产地证书和检验证书。
The documents to accompany the draft are the bill of lading, commercial and consular inoices and insurance policy. 随附单据是:提单、商业发票和领事发票、保险单。
Banker's draft ( bill) On the Fuzzy Scopes between the Internal Administrative Acts and the External Administrative Acts 银行(对外国银行开出的)汇票,银行票据内部行政行为与外部行政行为之模糊领域分析
After the False Replacement of a Draft& Comments on a Bill Dispute Case 一起汇票掉包后的票据纠纷案评释
In a post-Enron world, the US and Japan have both released new legislation and the UK has released a draft bill. 在安然事件这一大背景下的美国、日本均出台了新的立法,而英国也出台了立法建议白皮书。
As complicated historical as well as particular realistic problem, national conflict of Hongkong's resident has always been a focus from the negotiations about Hongkong between China and Britain to the draft of Hongkong's fundamental bill to the establishment of authorities of the HKSAR. 作为一个复杂的历史遗留问题和具体的现实问题,从中英有关香港问题的谈判,到基本法的起草,直至香港特区成立,香港居民的国籍冲突一直是个焦点问题。
And on this basis proposed by the international unification of substantive law and the problems the draft Bill should pay attention to. 并在此基础上提出了制定《统一实体法(草案)》应注意的问题以及草案的主要内容。